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Would you like to contribute towards the planting and flowering of a festival? We will be co-creating magick collaboratively with the overriding intention of opening hearts, awakening a curiosity for our collective experience of life, and a love for the Earth and each other.


You are invited to take part in the co-creation of this festival and build its energy and reality together with us.


As part of our volunteer team, you will be entitled to a 50% DISCOUNT in exchange for your contribution toward the running of the festival in the following areas:

Mealtime Support 

Assisting with breakfast, lunch or dinner organisation and clear up.


Site Safety / The Handy Team

Helping with the build-up and take-down of the whole site for the festival. This will involve different forms of physical work and serve as practical support to other work groups.  Working towards the safety of the whole site, arranging routines, patrols and responding to medical emergencies (Please let us know if you have a first aid certificate). 


Welcome Registration, Information and Marketing

Helping to promote our event, working the registration tent, handing out wristbands, assisting with booking, small admin and IT tasks.


Emotional Support.

Assisting participants who feel that they need someone to talk to about their experience at the festival within a workshop or in a check in outside of workshop time. Some training or experience in counselling or a similar emotional support role is useful, however, we aim to offer a grounding presence and a sense of support rather than any kind of official 'therapy'. 


Sound & Lights

Assisting workshop leaders and musicians with any tech support they may need in setting up or during their workshop or concerts. You need to know/learn your way around the basics of sound and/or lights.


Healing Circle

Booking and offering healing sessions on a 1-2-1 or small group basis, helping out in different work areas when needed. These will operate on a suggested donation basis. Please state what bodywork/therapist training you have in your application form  (e.g. reflexology, Indian Head massage, reiki, de-armouring).



Setting up, cleaning/clearing and decorating the tents and workshop spaces on the site, being 'door angels' - making sure the workshop leaders and workshop tents have everything they need.

Apply Now


If any of these roles sound exciting to you, please apply using the contact form below:

Become a Mischief-Maker
Please confirm that you are available for the dates of the festival ( 4-7th July) and that you are able to arrive by 10am on Thursday for debrief.

Thanks for applying to volunteer with us! We'll get back to you soon.

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Perrymill Farm, Bromsgrove, UK


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4th-7th July 2024 // Perrymill Farm

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